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  #44 01:04 1080p HD
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On Kim “beautiful letters, we fell in love”

60 min hihglights
  #49 01:01 1080p HD
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Democrats Defend Women

MAGA Republicans want a national abortion ban. DEMOCRATS will always DEFEND a woman’s right to choose!
  #27 02:35 1080p HD
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WARNING: This video should scare the hell out of you!

His video aims to illustrate a potential future for America under the hypothetical scenario of Donald Trump’s reelection in 202...
  #24 01:18 1080p HD
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God Made a Dictator

God said “I need a man who failed in everything but theft and broken promises to live in a golden palace and convince the poor he ser...
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Thank you President Biden for your service to our country and for having the grace to usher in Kamala Harris to finish the job. The L...
  #25 01:11 1080p HD
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Dems Vote Haley to Weaken Trump in SC

Dems Vote Haley to Beat Trump is a campaign of the 2024 Stop Trump Dictatorship Project ( by Progressive So...
  #47 08:30 1080p HD
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Vermin, outside influences

Trump speech
  #18 04:48 1080p HD
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12 Indicators That Trump Would Create A Fascist Dictatorship In His Second Term

PLEASE SHARE this video freely, especially with anyone who does not think that voting matters! Written, produced and paid for by Prog...
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The Snake

We know a NeverTrumper when we see one, Donald. He may have shed his skin but the bite is coming. The Lincoln Project is a leading pr...
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Character matters

Biden-Harris 2024 campaign ad
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