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These Guys Are Just Weird

Inspired by Project 2025 and the bizarre beliefs of JD Vance, the weirdos are organizing. They’re voting. Are you? Video by Never PAC...
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Donald Trump’s criminal history! #FelonOfTheUnitedStates

Trump is now a convicted criminal and unfit to be President. America deserves better. #FelonOfTheUnitedStates Video by Eleven Films
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If you have a cell phone, you’re a digital activist #TomorrowIsTooLate

On November 5, American democracy will be in imminent danger if we don’t unite. If you have a cell phone, you’re a digita...
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Kamala Harris Defends Reproductive Rights

Women’s rights are under attack. We must fight for the principles upon which this country was founded.   Video by Kamala Harris...
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Kamala Harris: “You must start the marriages immediately”

As California Attorney General, I refused to stand in the doorway of the wedding chapel blocking couples from marrying the person the...
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The Antidote To Trump

I prosecuted sex predators. Trump is one. I shut down for-profit scam colleges. He ran one. I held big banks accountable. He’s...
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Trump insults Women because deep down he’s afraid of our strength and competence. No wonder he’s scared to debate Kamala...
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Donald Trump’s plan for America is no secret. Beating Trump this November is the only mission. The Lincoln Project invites you to tak...
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The Snake

We know a NeverTrumper when we see one, Donald. He may have shed his skin but the bite is coming. The Lincoln Project is a leading pr...
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Thank you President Biden for your service to our country and for having the grace to usher in Kamala Harris to finish the job. The L...
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