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  #44 01:04 1080p HD
0%   0

On Kim “beautiful letters, we fell in love”

60 min hihglights
  #49 01:01 1080p HD
5%   0

Democrats Defend Women

MAGA Republicans want a national abortion ban. DEMOCRATS will always DEFEND a woman’s right to choose!
  #27 02:35 1080p HD
0%   0

WARNING: This video should scare the hell out of you!

His video aims to illustrate a potential future for America under the hypothetical scenario of Donald Trump’s reelection in 202...
  #41 08:30 1080p HD
0%   0

Segment about trumps absolute immunity claima

Trump ally Jack Posobiec at cpac
  #28 03:28 1080p HD
0%   0

“If you count the legal voted we win”

0%   0


Trump insults Women because deep down he’s afraid of our strength and competence. No wonder he’s scared to debate Kamala...
0%   0

Four Ways Trump’s Fascist Dictatorship Will Ruin Women’s Lives

Donate at to help the Stop Trump Dictatorship Project reach our targeted audi...
  #46 08:16 1080p HD
0%   0

Judge asks trump lawyer “Can a pres order seal team 6 …”

Audio of judge askign question
  #39 01:41 720p
73%   0

“Very rigged election.. stuffing ballot boxes”

  #36 04:43 1080p HD
0%   0

“It was a rigged election…

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